MS Pecan Festival Talent Show

Do you have a talent that you would like to share? The MS Pecan Festival is hosting the 37th Annual MS Pecan Festival Talent Show.
The entry fee is $50. You may register by clicking on the registration link below.
Acts must be under 5 minutes.
Family-friendly content, please.
Any materials, music, and props must be provided by you.
The deadline for entry is September 26th.
The Talent Show is Saturday, September 27th at 12 noon. The gates open at 9 a.m.
1 ticket gate fee per entry.
Due to cellular service, all music must be previously downloaded to the contestants device prior to the event. Contestants may also bring a CD or zip drive with any necessary music for the performance.
Prizes are: 1st Place, $1,000; 2nd Place, $500; 3rd Place, $250.
We look forward to seeing your talent entry at the festival!
MS Pecan Festival Talent Show