MS Pecan Festival Talent Show

Do you have a talent that you would like to share? The MS Pecan Festival is hosting the 37th Annual MS Pecan Festival Talent Show.

  • The entry fee is $50. You may register by clicking on the registration link below.

  • Acts must be under 5 minutes.

  • Family-friendly content, please.

  • Any materials, music, and props must be provided by you.

  • The deadline for entry is September 26th.

  • The Talent Show is Saturday, September 27th at 12 noon. The gates open at 9 a.m.

  • 1 ticket gate fee per entry.

  • Due to cellular service, all music must be previously downloaded to the contestants device prior to the event. Contestants may also bring a CD or zip drive with any necessary music for the performance.

  • Prizes are: 1st Place, $1,000; 2nd Place, $500; 3rd Place, $250.

We look forward to seeing your talent entry at the festival!

MS Pecan Festival Talent Show